Statistical and Research Consulting Services

In addition to conducting my own research, I also work as a statistician and research consultant on others’ projects. I have expertise in meta-analysis research, psychometric analyses, and clinical trial designs. See below for example projects.

Book: Power Score

Role: statistical consultant

In this Wall Street Journal best-selling book, readers learn about factors that help leaders effectively manage their teams. Analyses were conducted on data from thousands of employees in leadership roles, collected via a novel semi-structured interviewing instrument.

Book: The CEO Next Door

Role: statistical consultant

In this New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling book, readers learn about the common attributes of successful industry executives. Analyses were conducted on data from thousands of CEOs and C-suite executives, collected via hiring interviews and performance reviews.

Meta-Analysis: Problem-solving in Adolescent Prevention Programs

Role: statistical consultant

This meta-analysis research is led by Dr. Maya Boustani at Loma Linda University, with the support of an NIMH grant. The aim is to investigate the extent that teaching adolescents problem-solving skills reduces internalizing symptoms. Meta-analyses and meta-regressions were run on data coded from hundreds of articles and manuals.

Interested in contracting me for your research project? I offer consulting services through my private practice.